The Disasters such as Flood, Drought, Cyclone, Earthquake, Forest fire, Tsunami, Landslide, Hurricane etc. which can occur at anytime, anywhere in the world without the knowledge of human being causing enormous destruction of properties and human sufferings, resulting in negative impacts on economies. Disasters can be classified as Natural Disasters, Human made disasters and Human induced disasters. Based on the main controlling factors leading to a disaster, we may also classify disasters as meteorological, geomorphological, geological, ecological, technological, global environmental and extra terrestrial. To effectively reduce the impact of disaster, a complete strategy for disaster management is required. Disaster management consists of three phases; two of them i.e. Disaster prevention and disaster preparedness, take place before disaster occurs. The third phase i.e. disaster relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction, happens after the occurrence of a disaster.
The disaster management can be the collection of activities as follows:

Before a Crisis: Policy Creation, Risk Management, Mitigation Strategies, Preparing for Media Enquires, Warnings etc.

During a crisis: Protecting reputation, Human Behavior, Crisis Management, Leadership, Situational Awareness, Prioritising tasks, Frontline Coordination, Emergency Management, Communicating, Protecting, Safety, Support etc.

After a Crisis: Disaster Recovery, Learning Lessons, Trauma, Responding to Investigations, Minimizing subsequent impacts, Support, Shelter etc.

Due to the very heavy rain and flood which happened in the month of November/December 2015, a very big disaster had happened in the city of Chennai and some other parts of Tamilnadu. People of Tamilnadu in general and Chennai in particular had suffered in many ways because of the non-availability of basic needs such as shelter, food and drinking water, power and communication facilities due to this unexpected rain and flood. In the month of November/December, 2016, we are completing one year from this bad experience. As a Professional Society of Engineers and Technocrats, IEEE has moral responsibilities: (1) to find some solutions to prevent this kind of disaster, (2) to take appropriate actions to handle the disaster at the time of occurrence, (3) to make rehabilitation arrangements after the disaster.

To manage disasters well, we should know about preservation of data and information about the disasters for the present and future generations. We should also know how to build competent capacity to ensure that the legacy from these disasters is not lost. The available technology, technological tools and social media can play a vital role in the mitigation. The information and communication technologies can be used effectively to manage the disasters

Taking all the above into consideration and in connection with the first anniversary of Chennai flood, The IEEE Madras Section invites you to submit a proposal for Conducting a Conference on Disaster Responsiveness and Management during the Month of December 2016. The closing date for accepting the proposals at IEEE Madras Section office is 30.06.2016. You will be notified by 20th July, 2016, if the proposal has been accepted. IEEE Madras Section will provide partial support to conduct the Conference as per the existing norms.

Please go through the attached CONFERENCE PROPOSAL FORM/EXPRESSION OF INTEREST and Submit the Completed form to the IEEE Madras Section by E-mail/Post