IEEE Region & Section History – Welcome to IEEE Madras Section

The Beginning:

Historically, the activities of our Section started as TamilNadu Sub-Section, of the Bangalore Section, in 1973. Mr.V.Srinivasan, Chairman of W.S.Group of Companies , was its first Chairman. The Sub-section attained the Section status on 28th April1978. The first Chairman, Mr.E.N.Narayaswamy(1976-1980), was then the Joint Director of Industries, and he was instrumental in developing the Vikram Sarabai Complex at Adyar.

A Growing Reputation:

The Section’s reputation grew from having small cluster meetings to bigger congregations with increasing membership year after year and the ACE – Annual Convention and Exhibition of India Council was held at Taj Coromandel in 1986.The Secretary was Mr.M.V.Chauhan, who owned an automobile components manufacturing company in Thiru Vika Road in Chennai and he was also a pioneer in Amateur Radio Club. During the period of Mr.E.N.Narayanaswamy (Chairman) & Mr.Chauhan(Secretary), the Section developed to a recognizable level. Mr.P.Bhoja Shetty MD, Shibshaw Instruments(81-83) and Mr.Chauhan(84-85), did commendable work to develop the Section. Mr.R. Sundararaman of M/S Crompton (founder-member) & Mr.K.B.Subramaniam (Ch.-1986) of GEC. assisted in establishing the Section firmly as the leading professional society in this part of the country by planning and conducting a number of technical seminars and workshops. Mr.H.Kalyanasundaram (Ch -1987-88), Director Best & Crompton helped in the development .of Student branches in various technical institutions by visiting them & explaining the benefits of IEEE membership. Mr.C.R.Sasi (Secretary 1982- 84, Vice Chair 1986, 87 and Chairman 1989 & 90) MD, Presmo Auto Fabrik, took great efforts in increasing the educational/technical activities in the Section and also increasing the activities of the Student Branches. He was also the founder secretary of PES and EM-IAS Chapters.

Our Section was in the limelight, in the next years, under the Chairmanship of Dr.N.M.Parthasarathy(91-92) Ch.ETK group, Mr.C.S.Ganesan(93-94), Dr.S.Renganathan, Dr.UdayKumar & Mr.S.A.Soundararajan who helped thro’ contacts with the Engineering Colleges to increase the Student Branches. Dr.R.Srinivasan,(Ch.-2002-’03) was successful in streamlining the activities, with focus on credibility and accountability. The new team for 2003-Dec’04, under the chairmanship of Mr.P.Suresh Chander Pal, took charge in Sept.’03 and is committed to excellence & hard work, to achieve the Vision, Mission & objectives of IEEE to lift the Section to greater heights.aties91-o ate the activities of the /M/s M/SM/SGECM/SM/

We propose to celebrate the completion of our Section Silver Jubilee Year (1978-2003) in a grand manner, honour outstanding members, Past Chairmen and the members of 25 years’ standing. We invite all members to share their information & knowledge on our Section’s past history & achievements & welcome their suggestions.

Salient Accomplishments:

Facility to pay membership fees in Rupees to the Section, which will arrange to consolidate(convert into dollar) and send it to Head Office.
Cutting down the delay, less than 2 months, in the receipt of Journals/Magazines, by the members, by convincing the Head Quarters, to send them in bulk, to Singapore & distribution done from there.
Launching the Students Annual Contest, in memory of Mr.Chauhan’s outstanding work in the Section. We are proud of Mr.Chauhan, who was elevated to the position of Region Director(R10).
Instrumental in promoting for the cause of formation of Region10,for serving the needs of various Countries in the East, including India, Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan etc.,
H.Kalyanasundaram, a Senior Member, now aged 78,is the pride of our Section, now at Mumbai, who was nominated as the Ombudsman for his outstanding contribution and recognition of his yeoman service in the development of Student Branches and collection & compilation of vital Data/Statistics on Student Branch activities at all levels. He is having plans to request Head Quarters to establish a Student Centre in India, for better co-ordination of the activities from here. We constitute the largest strength ,at present.
Acquisition of building for IEEE Madras Section, inside ISTE Professional Centre Complex, in Gandhi Mandapam Road, in Anna University Campus, at Kotturpuram,Chennai-600025(Phone No.24423939) and improving the facilities for Office ,conducting Execom Meetings & opening a Library.
The IEEE Power Engineering Society affiliated to our Section, has been doing exceedingly well in getting the Outstanding Chapter Award 2001,from the International PES President and the Outstanding Performance Awards for the years 2000,2001 & 2002,under the Chairmanship of Mr.P.Suresh Chander Pal and continues to perform well ,now under the Chairmanship of Dr.G.V.Rao.
Madras Link, IEEE Newsletter of IEEE Madras Section, which was discontinued in 1999,is being revived now, from 2004.
Our Section has the distinction of having the largest number of Student Branches in the world and also largest no of students in a Branch(Anna University) in the world.
Members who have contributed significantly to the growth of the Section:

  1. M.R.Krishnamoorthy – Holds the record in awards – both for strength and activities – won by the Branches where he was Counselor. Only Fellow of IEEE in Madras Section.
  2. N.Kumar – MD Sanmar Group – Vice Chair 1987 – 88 and the first Chairman EM – IAS Joint Chapter.
  3. D.V.Subramanian – TNEB
  4. R.Sundararaman – introduced IEEE column in The Hindu. Catalyst for the technical activities of the Section.
  5. S.R.Paranjothy – first Chairman of PES Chapter
  6. Prof J.P.Raina – Master minded many technical seminars
  7. Region 10 : Asia Pacific

The IEEE Region 10, also sometimes referred as the Asia Pacific Region, comprises of 57 Sections, 6 Councils, 17 Sub-sections, 515 Chapters, 60 Affinity Groups and 958 Student Branches. It covers a geographical area stretching from South Korea and Japan in the north-east to New Zealand in the south, and Pakistan in the west. With a membership of 107,154, it is one of the largest regions in IEEE.

Explore to know more about IEEE R10 Region

IEEE India Council is the umbrella organisation which coordinates IEEE activities in India. Its primary aim is to assist and coordinate the activities of local “Sections”, in order to benefit mutually, and avoid duplication of effort and resources. IEEE India Council was established on 20th May 1976 and is one of the five councils in the Asia Pacific Region

Explore to know more about IEEE INDIA Council