IEEE Madras Section Student Project Funding (SPF 2017-18)

Greetings from IEEE Madras Section.

IEEE Madras Section is happy to invite SPF proposals for IEEE Madras Section, Student Project Funding (SPF2017-18). SPF was implemented during the year 2010 and being continued to benefit the student community to motivate the students for the proto type development. Under this scheme, Rs.3,68,000/- for 45 projects were funded by IEEE Madras Section.


IEEE student members are eligible to apply, who is undergoing final year UG program from the Engineering Colleges, with the guidance of IEEE Professional members working at Engineering Institutions of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry. Project duration period of maximum 5 months.

Detailed Abstract of the project in 3 to 5 pages in MS-Word format is to be sent to  followed by a hard copy to the office address of IEEE Madras Section.  The detailed abstract should contain the following: 1. Project title in English explaining Objectives, 2. Social relevance, 3. Methodology / tools used, 4. Project estimation, 5. Acknowledgements from the Institution.

Covering letter with the following information is to be attached along with the detailed abstract: Name of the student(s) and guide with their contact and membership details Institution affiliation details of supervisor and students.

Personal declaration form supervisor and students with the Bonafide Certificate as per Annexure-I, should be sent along with the abstract.

General Instructions

Each college can submit maximum two students projects, final validation of the project will be considered, only if the project is completed in the form of prototype. Layout, breadboard assembly and software projects demonstration through laptop will be liable to get rejected.

Project guide, working in Engineering Institution can supervise, only one project in an academic year. All the project abstracts will be allotted a reference number by the section.  All further correspondence will be made by referring the same.

Change of project name / team members will not be entertained after proposal submission.

Funded projects list of 45 projects (2010-2017) by the IEEE Madras Section SPF is given in Annexure – II, Repetition of the same project / similar projects will not be entertained for Student Project Funding again.

10 Projects, with the maximum amount of Rs.15,000/- will be granted with certificate based on the quality & usefulness of the project and the bill of materials. Final validation is done at the IEEE office will be selected/rejected based on the validation from the panel of judges. Only the selected project will be given funding and certification. Rest of the participants is not eligible for participation certificate or funding.


Call for SPF -Projectproposal submission:  20.09.2017. 10.00 Hrs.  to 31.10.2017, 20.00 Hrs.

Intimation of shortlisted projects: 25.11.2017

Submission of Detailed Project Report: 17.03.2018

Project Demonstration at IEEE Madras section, Office, Chennai: 21.04.2018

Final Evaluation and Result announcement: 21.04.2018.

Thanks and Regards,

Dr. P A Manoharan
Chairman (IEEE Student Project Funding)
IEEE Madras section

Encl.:   Annexure – I – Click Here

Annexure – II – Click Here