1. Name of the Student Branch:

2. Details of contact person

  • Name:
  • Address:
  • Email:
  • Mobile:
  • Phone (including country code): FAX:

3.Please specify proposed theme (s) for the conference and explain in two lines how it is relevant to the current scenario of IEEE and Society at Large.

4(a)Major conferences organized by your institution during last 5 years?

(b)Highlights and feedback on the conferences organized (including the number of attendees, partners, if any and the details of publications. Please include the website address):

(c)Do you have any questions/clarifications related to these events?

(5)Do you expect that enough resource mobilization (including Finances) will be carried out for the bided conference?

(6)Do you expect that the theme selected could draw enough quality paper submissions after suitable review process as per IEEE norms? How?

7)Do you expect that enough registrations and financial sponsors would be attracted by the selected theme of conference? How?

8)Mention any special/innovative drives you intend to adopt for making the Conference more successful.

9) The bidders may be aware that the Conference format may include tracks related with a possible and reasonable mix of student community and others.

10) Attach the proposed budget including the income and expenditure in detail.

Signature and details of the applicant:

Position in the Institution:

Endorsement of the Principal: _____________________________________



MoU need to be signed with the institution and IEEE Madras Section with respect to Plagiarism certification.