• Add Value to IEEE Student membership.
  • Sustain smooth and ongoing interactions among the Student Branches and Section.
  • Help the Student Branches in coordinating with Annual Reports as well as other IEEE related documentations.
  • Conduct Membership Drives in all the interested Educational Institutions
  • LINK takes the responsibility of coordinating and grooming the new Student Branches in the initial years.
  • Identify potential volunteers and groom them to take up the leadership of LINK as well as other IEEE activities in the forthcoming year.


  • Stay Connected: Networking students in R10
  • Add value to IEEE membership.
  • Help in sustaining the student branches
  • Help in grooming new Student branches
  • Help in grooming leaders for the next generation of IEEE and its activities.
  • Help in retaining or converting a high percentage of student members to IEEE members from Region 10.