
Inorder to qualify to join IEEE GOLD chapter of Madras Section, you will have to be

  • An IEEE member who comes under the Madras section.
  • A graduate who has received his/her first degree within the last ten years.

If you are an IEEE member:


IfIf you are an IEEE member who comes under the Madras section and have received your first degree within the last ten years, you are already an IEEE GOLD member! Just send a email to our and we will add you to the mailing list as a member. You will start receiving information of our events and other matter being discussed. You will also be able to post messages to the mailing list to share your views. We will also get in touch with you regarding participation in activities, committees or meetings if you are interested in the same.

If you are not an IEEE member:

If you are a graduate and received your first degree within the last ten years, and reside or work within the area that comes under Madras Section of IEEE, then follow the two steps listed below to become a member of IEEE GOLD Madras section.

1. Join IEEE

You may become a member of IEEE by filling the online membership form and paying the membership fee by a credit card or by mailing them a filled out membership form by snail mail and paying the membership fee by a dollar draft, credit card or unesco coupons.


2. Inform IEEE GOLD


Once you get the IEEE membership and satisfy the requisites regarding section and year of first graduation you automatically become a member of IEEE GOLD Madras Section. But you’ll have to inform us of your eligibility. Mail us at our and we will do the needful with respect to adding you to the mailing list as a member, so that you will receive all information about talks and other events while also being able to share your views. We will also get in touch with you regarding participation in activities, committees or meetings if you are interested in the same.