Nothing in these by laws is to be construed as to be contrary to the IEEE by laws, Constitution and Policy and Procedures.

ARTICLE I – Name and Territory
Sec.1 This organization shall be known as the MADRAS Section of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Sec.2 The territory of the MADRAS Section, as approved by the Regional Activities Board, includes the following.

Sec.3 The Madras Section shall have its Principal Office in the City of Chennai in the State of Tamil Nadu from which it shall carryout its Management and other administrative functions.

ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1
Membership is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Section members are those individuals, Associate or higher grade membership and Student members residing within the boundaries of the Section, or who live or work in a neighboring Section and have requested Contiguous Section Membership status from the Regional Activities Department.
Section 2
Section members with the grade of Member or higher may vote in Section elections. Associate and Student members are not eligible to vote in Section elections. IEEE Society Affiliates are not members of the Section, but they will be notified of Section events and welcome to participate.
Section 3
Section members, Member or higher grade may hold elected office, or chair a Section Committee. Students and Associate members may not hold office nor chair a meeting

Sec.1 The elected officers of the Section shall be Chairman, two vice Chairmen, Secretary and Treasurer.
Sec.2 The term of office of the elected officers and Section Executive committee shall be for two years.
Sec.3 Terms of office will begin on 1st day of January but in any case the outgoing officers will continue until their successors are duly elected and take office. However no officer may serve in the same position for more than one consecutive term.
Sec.4 Any vacancy occurring during the term shall remain vacant. However the Section Executive Committee can nominate a suitable Execom member to officiate.
Sec.5 The duties of the elected officers shall be as described in the IEEE Bylaws and in the (Section Operations Guide) / (RAB Operational Manual).

ARTICLE IV- Standing Committee
Sec.1 The Standing Committee of the Section will be as follows:
1. Programme
2. Membership Development
3. Student Activities
4. Finance
5. Awards
6. Publicity & Public Relations
7. Publications
8. Ethics
9. Web
10. Building
11. Education
12. Technical Meetings
13. Student Project
15. Paper contest
16. Conference
17. Young Professional
18. WIE
19. Entrepreneurship
In addition, the execom can add or delete sub committees as required.

Sec.2 The Chairman of the Sub Committees will be appointed by the Section Chairman with the approval of the Section Executive committee, and their terms will expire on the following December every year.
Sec.3 Each Committee chairman will appoint his / her committee members as required with the approval of the Section Executive committee, and their terms will expire on 31 December every year normally.
Sec.4 Duties of the Sub Committees will be generally as described in the IEEE Section Operations guide. / (RAB Operational Manual)
Sec.5 Not withstanding the above, the Execom reserves the right to change the sub-committee or change the term of sub-committee.

ARTICLE V – Management
Sec.1 The Management of the Section shall be by the Section Executive Committee which shall consist of the elected officers, Immediate Past Section chairman and the following:
Seven elected members More members not exceeding 3 can be co -opted by Section Executive Committee.
Sec.2 Five members of the Section Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Sec.3 A majority of the Section Executive committee present shall be necessary in the conduct of its business.
Sec.4 Meetings of the Section Executive Committee ordinarily will be held monthly and will be called by the Section Chairman or by a request of any three members of the Section Executive Committee.
Sec.5 The fiscal year of the Section shall be 1st of April to 31st of March of the following year.

ARTICLE VI – Nomination and Election of Officers

Sec.1 A Nominating committee presided by the immediate past Chair, if available, and consisting of two members, not then officers of the Section, shall be appointed by the Section Chairman with the approval of the Section Executive Committee.
Sec.2 The nominations of the Nominating committee will be announced to the Section membership and, following this, a minimum of twenty eight days allowed for additional nominations by petition. To be valid, the petition must be signed by 15 or more voting members.
Sec.3 If only one nomination is made for each office, the election will be made at the Annual Meeting. If additional nominations are made, election will be by ballot mailed to the membership with the vote counted by a Tellers committee appointed by the Section Chairman.
Sec.4 suggested timetable for this procedure is as follows:
1st September Appointment of Nominating Committee 1st October Announcement of Nominations
5th November Close nominations by petition 15th November Hold election
15th December Hold Annual Meeting
A ballot, if required, shall be mailed prior to 15th November.

Sec.5 A Plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary for election.

ARTICLE VII – Business Meeting
Sec.1 In order to transact business at a Section meeting, at least 8 members must be present to constitute a quorum.
Without prior authorization of IEEE Executive Committee Section Funds can only be used for normal operations of Section. Those activities which fall outside of normal operations include donations, establishment of scholarship funds and investment of funds outside of IEEE investment programme..
Sec.1 All expenditures of Section funds must be approved by the Finance Committee – The Finance Committee shall consist of Section Treasurer as Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman if available or any other member of choice of Treasurer and approved by Section Executive Committee as Member and one member nominated by Section Chairman
Sec.2 Without prior authorization of the IEEE Executive committee, Section funds can be used only for normal operations of the Section.
Sec.3 The Treasurer jointly with either the Secretary or other members authorized by the EXECOM shall be authorized to draw fund as approved by the Section Executive Committee. / Finance Committee.
ARTICLE IX – Amendments
Sec.1 Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may originate in the Section Executive committee or by a petition signed by 25 or more voting members
Sec.2 Proposal for revocation of these Bylaws may originate in the Section Executive committee or by a petition signed by 25 or more voting members.
(Amendments/Revocation of these bylaws shall be in accordance with IEEE bylaws, IEEE Policy, and RAB Operations Manual. Proposed Amendments should be cleared at General Body Meeting and would be enforced only after approval of Regional Director
ARTICLE X – Subsection
Sec.1 Members of any town may through a petition signed by 20 or more members and approved by the IEEE Executive committee form a Subsection for the purpose of organizing activities of the Section in that town. The establishment of such a subsection shall have the approval of the Regional Director – Region 10 and the Regional Activities Board.
Sec.2 A Subsection will be managed by a Committee, elected annually, comprising of a Chairman, Secretary – cum – Treasurer, Immediate past chairman and not less than three or more than four ordinary members..
Sec.3 The Chairman of the Subsection shall be an ex – office Vice Chairman of the Section Executive Committee and shall be responsible to the SEC for liaison and maintaining relations with SEC. He shall report to the SEC the progress of the Subsection.
Sec.4 The Subsection shall report to the SEC. on each meeting held by the Subsection. The Subsection shall send to the Chairman, Vice-chairman and Secretary of the SEC every circular or notification it sends to its members.
Sec.5 Subsection shall be financed by the SEC such sums depending on is membership and its meetings program.
ARTICLE X – Subsection
The text of this ARTICLE shall follow the text of foregoing ARTICLE X Subsection, but appropriately modified to suit the purposes of Affinity Group / Society / Chapter.