Guidelines for Hosting the IEEE Madras Section Faculty Development Program (through online)

  1. The Host institution organizing the FDP must have an active IEEE student branch with a minimum of 25 student members and 10 Professional members.
  2. Application with the following details should be submitted, 15 days before the event by post/ e-mail ( to the IEEE Madras section:
  • Name of the Organizer
  • IEEE student Branch details: (Code, Counselor name, Total membership)
  • Title of the proposed FDP:
  • Date (s):
  • A brief summary of topics to be covered:
  • List of resource persons:
  • Proposed budget:
  • Usefulness of the program for the faculty members.
  • Letter of recommendation from the Principal/Director of the Host institution

After scrutinizing the application the decision will be informed to the applicant, which will be final.

  1. The Faculty Development program should be conducted for a minimum of 12 hours spreading over a maximum of 4 days. The maximum number of participants permitted is 100.
  2. Registration Fee is Rs. 200/- for non-IEEE member and Rs. 100/- for IEEE members to be paid through online to IEEE Madras section account. (If the program duration is for more than12 hours then the registration fee may vary on a case-to-case basis).
  3. Certificates will be provided to participants who score above 50 % in the evaluation (online Quize/Assignment).
  4. The registration fee collected by the IEEE Madras Section will be used to meet the expenditure for the following items:
  • Design of e-brochures and e-Certificates
  • Honorarium for Resource persons
  • Secretarial assistance for office Staff
  1. The responsibility (including expenses) of the host institution organizing FDP include the following:
  • Preparing the master draft of the brochure
  • Ensure the availability of online meeting software and resource persons
  • Preparing the e-copy of the course material and mailing it to IEEE Madras section,
  • Video recording and memento for the resource persons.
  1. The organizer should submit the following within 7 days of completion of the Program.
  • Soft copy of the brief report in doc with photos (jpg format) for publication in the newsletter (by mail to
  • Hard/soft copy of course material
  • List of participants with contact details
  • List of resource persons with contact and bank account details
  1. The additional expenditure, over and above the income, if any, will be equally shared by the IEEE Madras section and the Host institution.
  2. Six FDPs can be supported by IEEE Madras section in one calendar year.