IEEE MAS News Letter Contents Submission Procedure

Applicable to all Society Chapters, IEEE SB and Section


Event Announcements

Events organized with IEEE tag which includes IEEE SB activities, IEEE section activities, IEEE Society activities which are directly organized / co-organized or technically sponsored or any other association with IEEE, shall be informed to IEEE Madras Section in the mail id

Even Reporting for News Letter (NL) Publishing

Please follow the guidelines given below for reporting events to be published in the newsletter through IEEE MAS LINK

  1. Report only the events sponsored by IEEE (technical / financial). Avoid reporting events that are irrelevant for publishing in IEEE MAS Newsletter.
  2. Only SB counsellor shall report the events organized in a college and only Chair for Society Chapter events. Newsletter reporting of a particular month shall be submitted before 7th date of next month.
  3. Use SINGLE column format and the content may be in .doc / .docx formats only.
  4. It is preferred to have a picture associated with the event. DO NOT embed the photograph in the report document. Send ONE relevant photo separately, in .jpg format, clearly indicating the photo corresponding to which event in case of multiple events being conducted and reported in a calendar month.
  5. The size of photo shall not exceed 1MB (1024 x 1024 pixels max.); you may do necessary cropping / re-sizing, but ensure that the information is not lost and clarity is preserved.
  6. Send the NL contents by email with the subject “[IEEE SB / Society Chapter] Activity Report of < College name in short, Location> for < Month > <Year >”   Example:  IEEE SB Activity Report of SSNCE, Kalavakkam for April 2018.
  7. Send the NL contents by email

Pl. co-operate with us by adhering to the guidelines specified. Please note that the reports not adhering to these guidelines will not get published. The Editorial reserves right to do editing as required for clear publishing of reports.

Download Format for Event Reporting