03 August 2023: Technical talk on “Perspectives on Computer networking and Cloud Computing” by Shri.S.Ramakrishnan, Former DG, Technical talk on “Perspectives on Computer networking and Cloud Computing” by Shri.S.Ramakrishnan, Former DG, CDAC, organized by IEEE LMAG and CS of Madras Section and SETS ( Society of Electronic Transactions and Security, Chennai ) on 3rd August 2023.

Shri S.Ramakrishnan in his professional career spanning more than 3 decades had associated right from the early stages of internet in India and played a key role in establishing the internet with large scale accessibility. He recounted the challenges and the parallels in the growth of Internet in the global scene as well as in India. He delineated the entry and the growth of Cloud computing and the challenges in formulating standards for the cloud computing.

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