The evolution…..

The Engineering Management Society (EMS) was founded in 1951, becoming the Technology Management Council (TMC) in 2007. In 2015 we transitioned to the Technology and Engineering Management Society. You can visit the historical site information of the EMS at The TEM Society chapter of IEEE MAS Section was started in the year 2006 as the EM Society(EMS).

Vision, Mission, Values, and Field of Interest

TEMS Value Proposition

  • Help IEEE members to maintain essential engineering management skills;
  • Support the leadership career path of IEEE members;
  • Foster active knowledge transfer between the academic and practicing communities.

TEMS Mission

To advance, enhance, and improve essential management and leadership knowledge and skills of IEEE members.

TEMS Vision

To be the premier resource of essential management and leadership knowledge.

Field of Interest

The Field of Interest of the TEMS encompasses the management sciences and practices required for defining, implementing, and managing engineering and technology. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: technology policy development, assessment, and transfer; research; product design and development; manufacturing operations; innovation and entrepreneurship; program and project management; strategy; education and training; organizational development and human behaviour; transitioning to management; and the socioeconomic impact of engineering and technology management.


IEEE MAS TEM Society Office bearers_ 2017

Position Name Member No Mobile No. Email id
Chair Dr.S. Sundaresh 8192767 94444 48626
Vice Chair Mr. H.R.Mohan 4142696 98414 32179


Mr. Sahith Reddy 92773332 99628 95999

Executive Committee Members:

S.No. Name Member no Mobile No Email id
1 Mr.N.Gunaseelan 8419921 914424310784
2 Dr.Raghu Raman 91179465
3 NivasRavichandran 90709570 9840549824

2017 –  First Quarter –  Activities of  IEEE TEMS of Madras Section

  1. Talk on ““E-Waste Management” by Dr. K. Prabhakarn, Dean, Faculty of Management, SRM University, Chennai and Mr. T. Udhayakumar, Solution Architect, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Chennai, on Saturday, 28th Jan 2017.
  2. Organised a two day National Seminar on “ Digital transformation In Indain Industry” with VIT (Vellore Institute of Technology), Chennai, on 10&11 Mar 2017.

National Seminar on “ Digital transformation in Indian Industry”

IEEE TEMS with VIT Chennai, organised a TWO day National Seminar on “ Digital Transformation in Indian Industry on 10 and 11 March 2017. The Seminar was held at VIT Chennai auditorium and was well attended with 55 Delegates from Industry and student community. The esteemed guests for the Inaugural function, were Dr.Sivakumar, Director, CVRDE, Mr.Srivats Ram, MD Wheels India Ltd.,  Dean,VIT, Chennai and Mr.HR Mohan Vice Chair IEEE MAS Section.

The seminar had 15 invited talks by eminent experts from Industry, Academic and R&D Institutes.

  • “Trends in Digitalisation of Enterprises” _  B.Pon Manivannan, Principal Technology Leader, L&T Technology Services,
  • “Digital transformation overview” _ Murali Meenakshi Sundaram,  Consultant, CTS,
  • “Retailing in the digital era” _ Rajesh, Retail & Supplier behaviour Expert,
  • “Digital Manufacturing” _ Ayyappan Ramamurthy, Technical Director, Siemens PLM Software,
  • “Industry 4.0” _ Murali Chandrahasan, Head – Engineering IT Solutions & Services, L & T  Technology  Services   Limited,
  • “Digital Product development” _ Upendra, General Manager, Renault Nissan Technology Development and Business Center,
  • “Connected Cars” _ Vinod Venkateswaran – Industry Principal – Engineering Services, Infosys,
  • “Digital Transformation in Automotive Industry” _ Sreegururaj, Senior Manager, Mahindra R & D,
  • “Digital manufacturing” _ Joe Ajay, EOS,
  • “Future connected Trucks” _ Sureshkumar, Divisional Manager, Smart Engineering, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd, Chennai,
  • “Business analytics” _ Sudeesh, Senior Programme Manager, Verizon,
  • “Design Analysis and Product improvement_Case studies“ _    V.Balamurugan, Scientist, CVRDE,DRDO,
  • “Digital Workforce” _ Dr.V.Umasankar- Professor, SMBS, VIT, Chennai,
  • Digital product development case studies” _ S.Sundaresh, Chair IEEE TEMS and DRDO Distinguished  Fellow, DRDO, Chennai,
  • “Operational Analytics” _ Sudarsanam, Prof. Business School, VIT, Chennai.

The topics covered are Digitalization of Enterprises, Industry 4.0, Industry IOT, Digital manufacturing, Digital retailing, Digital product development, digital analysis and product design, Business analytics, Operative Analytics and Digital workforce.

Dean VIT, Chennai and Dr.Sundaresh IEEE TEMS Chair distributed the certificates to the participants.

IEEE MAS TEM Society Office bearers_ 2016 – Click Here